The birth of my infatuation or perhaps I should say my obsession with photography began in the mid nineties. Then my main subjects were my children, since my children have left the nest for many years now my passion for photography has never faded but rather grown in a different direction. I have discovered that beauty is never ending, taking on forms that I could have never imagined. I feel blessed that my world has expanded through photography and hope my passion never weakens.

02 June 2012

Over the Ohio Side

Thinking that it was a cold evening it was a great opportunity to head to Smale Park, my idea was perfect, not a soul there, all the lights on, it was a photo waiting to be taken, then it started to rain...SAY WHAT? Weather forecast mentioned no rain just clouds then partial clearing (great now I sound like a weather person)I was not going let that stop me, I knew the rain wouldn't last so with no cash or credit card on me I searched for free parking to wait it out. That idea would have been a good one if it wasn't Friday night...crap, around and around I went finding nothing. I knew I should have brought cash, I would have gladly paid 5 bucks to park in the garage, another attempt failed. I starting to think that I am not suppose to photograph the park at all, I'm determined, I will succeed. 

I wasn't going home so I decided to head up to Eden Park, another fabulous idea as no one was there, I hope we get more of these cold evenings. The first four photos below were taken there, underexposed so I'll have to make another attempt at some point, I would have gladly stayed longer but it started to rain....again, back to the car I went.

I really like the above photo but it is just way underexposed.
As I was headed back down the hill I passed Krohn's and saw this huge butterfly, so of course I had to photograph it.
I turned the camera around and thought how much fun would it be to photograph car trails, so I did. The green streak that you see was from the light of a cab, I'm going to have to do more of that.

Looking below. Peek - a - boo. No ones privacy was violated.
I was heading towards Columbia Parkway when all of a sudden the car made this sharp right turn up to Mount Adams. The five photos above where taken near the Rookwood Restaurant.

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