The birth of my infatuation or perhaps I should say my obsession with photography began in the mid nineties. Then my main subjects were my children, since my children have left the nest for many years now my passion for photography has never faded but rather grown in a different direction. I have discovered that beauty is never ending, taking on forms that I could have never imagined. I feel blessed that my world has expanded through photography and hope my passion never weakens.

15 September 2011

Yay For Cold Weather!

I just came in from outside after taking the little buggers out for the evening relief, I was a little amazed at how chilly it is. I have to admit that this time of year is my favorite. The smell of Fall in the air brings with it the great anticipation of fall foliage. Tonight's low temperature of 45 I know will be the beginning of the season of the changing of the leaves. Last years foliage was such a bust, we went months without any rain which puts such a damper on the fall foliage, the leaves went from green to brown. This year I just know that it will be completely different and I plan on doing some or I hope a lot of photo ops. Although I have been extremely weak as of late with posting I hope in the coming weeks that will change, keep checking back as I give you a tour of fall foliage in and around Northern Kentucky.

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