The birth of my infatuation or perhaps I should say my obsession with photography began in the mid nineties. Then my main subjects were my children, since my children have left the nest for many years now my passion for photography has never faded but rather grown in a different direction. I have discovered that beauty is never ending, taking on forms that I could have never imagined. I feel blessed that my world has expanded through photography and hope my passion never weakens.

16 October 2011

Big Bone Lick State Park

So I decided to head out as planned to Big Bone Lick State Park. Instead of taking the most direct route I decided to take the back roads. Um not exactly one of my better ideas. I ended up making right turns when I should have made lefts and left turns when I should have made right. By the time I actually arrived at the park I was wiped out. Next time i'll take the direct route. I missed a lot of the park so next weekend weather permitting, I plan on another visit. Foliage was not impressive at all but I did manage to see a lot of animals.

I had to crop the photo heavily so it may be a bit blurry. Didn't even notice the goat at first.

Heavily cropped as well. Not sure but are you suppose to see a horse's ribs?

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