The birth of my infatuation or perhaps I should say my obsession with photography began in the mid nineties. Then my main subjects were my children, since my children have left the nest for many years now my passion for photography has never faded but rather grown in a different direction. I have discovered that beauty is never ending, taking on forms that I could have never imagined. I feel blessed that my world has expanded through photography and hope my passion never weakens.

30 June 2010

Cincinnati Reds Game

So Greg calls me from work this morning and says "Kel want to go to a Reds game?" I'm thinking well, stupid question. He says " I'll pick you up so get ready." He gets home and tells me" we have free club tickets, free parking, free food," I say, "I love living here."

25 June 2010

Fireworks Friday

I know, shocker, me taking photos of fireworks. I went to my favorite location but really messed up with background, I should have zoomed out more to photograph some of the water, the city really does not look right, my bad. Will have another chance in two weeks. Going with some of the members from my club, hoping I will learn something new. The first photo, all though I really do like it, is spoiled by all the tarps on the Roebling Bridge, taking a picture of the bridge without the tarps will not be an option until sometime November...UGH!!!

23 June 2010


We had an earthquake today, I heard the buildings in downtown Cincinnati were swaying. I live about a 1 1/2 miles from the city and felt nothing. Oh well maybe next time.

19 June 2010

Cincinnati Reds Fireworks Friday 11-June-2010

After going through some of the fireworks photos that I took I discovered that I actually liked a few of them. Next event is scheduled for the 25th, will try my usual location this time.

11 June 2010

Cincinnati Reds Fireworks Friday Is Back

This photo was taken just prior to the start of the fireworks, I like it mainly because of the silhouette, I am still going through my firework photos but am having a hard time finding any that I like. My first time out this year and I guess I am a little rusty.

This was also a new location for me, not by choice, every other location was packed, I really do not like it very much, mostly because you really have no view of the city in the background. Next time I will leave myself more time and go to my usual spot.

08 June 2010

Cincinnati Zoo

Went to the zoo for the first time since 2007 and that was to see the festival of lights during the Christmas holiday. The only animals that you were allowed to see were the elephants, which was pretty impressive since you were so close. This time I met a couple of the OVCC (camera club) members that were kind enough to share their knowledge with me. I had such a great time I can't wait to go back, this time I think I will wait for cooler weather, maybe in the fall.

Komodo Dragon

07 June 2010

Cincinnati Zoo

Heading to the zoo tomorrow, first time in years, can't wait. Stay tune for pictures.